Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript with Examples

OOPS in JavaScript with Examples

1. Classes and Objects In JavaScript, a class is essentially a blueprint for creating objects. It defines the structure (properties) and behavior (methods) that the objects created from the class will have. Class: It is a function that defines a template for creating objects. A class contains: Properties (or attributes) that store data. Methods (or … Read more

JavaScript Projects for Beginners

JavaScript Projects for Beginners

Hey developers, in this article we are going to discuss different type of JavaScript projects which you can build to enhance your coding skills. So let’s deep dive in this journey of enhancing coding skills by building real world projects. 1. Games A). Tic-Tac-Toe i) Create the Grid: Use HTML and CSS to create a … Read more

CSS Advanced Selectors Cheat Sheet

CSS Advanced Selectors Cheat Sheet

CSS selectors are a powerful way to style HTML elements with precision. Let’s dive deeper into some advanced CSS selectors with detailed explanations and practical examples: 1. :not() Selector The :not() pseudo-class allows you to exclude specific elements from a style rule. This is helpful when you want to apply a style to all elements … Read more

Basic Guide About Web Accessibility

Basic Guide About Web Accessibility

Perceivable 1. Alternative Text for Images Make sure all images, graphics, and icons on the website have detailed descriptions (alt text). This is important for users who rely on screen readers to understand visual content, like product images, logos, or infographics. For images that are purely decorative, use empty alt attributes (alt=””) so assistive technology … Read more

Event Handling in JavaScript

Event Handling in Javascript

What are Events in JavaScript? In JavaScript, an event is an occurrence or interaction, either initiated by a user or by the browser, that triggers a specific response or behavior. For instance, actions like clicking a button, pressing a key, or loading a webpage are all events. These events allow developers to create interactive and … Read more

Importance of CSS Box model in Web-Design

The CSS box model is a core concept in web design that determines how elements on a webpage are structured and displayed. It defines the space an element occupies, from the content inside it to the surrounding space. This model helps web designers control the size, positioning, and spacing of elements on the page. The … Read more

Undersatnding Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises , Callbacks and Async/Await


Asynchronous JavaScript Asynchronous JavaScript is a programming approach that lets your code perform multiple tasks simultaneously without waiting for one task to finish before starting another. This is particularly helpful for handling operations that take time, such as fetching data from a server, accessing a database, or reading files. By preventing the main thread from … Read more