DOM Manipulation JavaScript Examples

What is the DOM in JavaScript?

The Document Object Model, or DOM, is a programming interface that allows developers to work with HTML and XML documents. It represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, making it possible to access, modify, or update the document’s content, structure, and styling dynamically. Simply put, the DOM acts as a bridge between the web page and the scripts (like JavaScript) that interact with it.

Understanding DOM Nodes

A DOM node is an object that represents an individual part of the DOM tree. Think of the DOM as a family tree, where each node is a “family member” representing a specific piece of the document. There are different types of nodes, including:

  1. Element Node: Represents HTML elements, such as <div>, <p>, or <img>. These are the building blocks of the web page.
  2. Text Node: Represents the text content inside an HTML element, like the words within a <p> tag.
  3. Comment Node: Represents comments in the HTML, which are written as <!– comments –>.
  4. Document Node: Represents the entire HTML document as a single root node, from which all other nodes branch off.

Common DOM Methods for Manipulating Elements

Here are some frequently used methods to interact with or modify elements in the DOM:

  1. createElement(): Creates a new element node, like a <div> or <p>.
  2. appendChild(): Adds a child node to a specified parent element.
  3. removeChild(): Removes a specific child node from its parent element.
  4. replaceChild(): Replaces one child node with another.
  5. innerHTML: Gets or sets the HTML content inside an element, including tags.
  6. textContent: Gets or sets the plain text content inside an element (ignores HTML tags).
  7. classList: Allows you to add, remove, or toggle CSS classes on an element.
  8. addEventListener(): Attaches an event listener to an element, allowing it to respond to user interactions like clicks or key presses.

Key DOM Properties

The DOM provides properties to retrieve and manipulate element attributes and relationships. Some commonly used ones include:

  1. id: Sets or retrieves the unique ID of an element.
  2. className: Sets or retrieves the CSS class(es) of an element.
  3. style: Accesses or modifies the inline styles of an element, such as color or backgroundColor.
  4. parentElement: Retrieves the parent element of a given node.
  5. children: Returns all child elements of a node as a collection.

Common DOM Events

DOM events are actions or occurrences detected by the browser, such as user interactions. Here are some of the most common events:

  1. click: Triggered when an element is clicked.
  2. mouseover: Fires when the mouse pointer hovers over an element.
  3. mouseout: Fires when the mouse pointer leaves an element.
  4. keydown: Fires when a key is pressed down on the keyboard.
  5. keyup: Fires when a key is released after being pressed.

Example Code: DOM Manipulation with JavaScript

Here’s a practical example of how you can use JavaScript to interact with the DOM:

// JavaScript Code

// Create a new paragraph element

const paragraph = document.createElement(‘p’);

paragraph.textContent = ‘Hello, World!’;

// Add the paragraph element to the body


// Add an event listener to the paragraph element

paragraph.addEventListener(‘click’, () => {

  alert(‘You clicked the paragraph!’);



1. A new <p> (paragraph) element is created using the createElement() method.

2. The text content of the paragraph is set to “Hello, World!” using the textContent property.

3. The paragraph is added to the document’s <body> using the appendChild() method.

4. An event listener is attached to the paragraph, so that when it is clicked, an alert box displays the message: “You clicked the paragraph!”

JavaScript Best Practices DOM Manipulation

To write clean, efficient, and maintainable code when working with the DOM, consider these tips:

  1. Use Descriptive Variable Names Always choose meaningful and descriptive names for your variables to make the code easier to read and understand. For example, use addButton instead of something generic like btn1.
  2. Organize Code with Functions Break your DOM manipulation code into smaller, reusable functions. This approach not only keeps your code modular but also makes it easier to debug and maintain.
  3. Leverage Event Delegation Instead of attaching event listeners to multiple child elements, attach a single listener to their parent and use logic to determine which child triggered the event. This improves performance and simplifies your code.
  4. Use textContent Instead of innerHTML When setting or updating plain text, prefer textContent over innerHTML to avoid security risks like cross-site scripting (XSS).
  5. Test Across Browsers Different browsers may handle certain DOM features differently. Always test your code on various browsers and devices to ensure compatibility and consistent performance.

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