Frontend Developer Roadmap 2024

These days requirement of Web Developer is increasing day by day, and most people start web development from Frontend Development.

Also the requirement of frontend developers are increasing day by day so here in this article you will get a Complete Roadmap to Become Frontend Developer in 2024.

In this article I have also shared free resources to learn it so read this article and Become Frontend Developer in 2024.

Learn HTML

To become a frontend developer your first step is to learn HTML. HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language and it help developers to create the structure of the website.

With HTML you can create the basic structure of website like create headings, paragraph, images, forms, etc.

Want to Learn HTML From Zero to Hero then Click Here 

Build a Resume Project

After learning HTML it’s time to implement your learning to build something. So for this build a simple resume using HTML. In this project add a image, heading, paragraphs, and create lists. This simple project will help you to learn the implementation of your learnings.

Learn CSS

After learning HTML and building a simple project now it’s time to learn styling. So, to style websites learn CSS. It is used to create the layout of the website that how our website looks like and how the elements will perform different effects.

You can also apply your CSS learnings in your previous Resume Project. With this you can style image of your resume project and can also add some styles and effects on headings or paragraphs.

Important Topics to Learn:

  • Box Model
  • Display Property
  • Position Property
  • Flexbox and Grid
  • Media Query
  • Transform and Translate Property
  • CSS Animations

Build Projects

After learning CSS it’s time to implement CSS in actual projects, So build some simple projects like Login Form, SignUp Form, Product Landing Page, College Website and more. In these projects apply CSS and add different styles to make these projects attractive.

Learn JavaScript

After learning HTML, CSS and Building projects, Now it’s time to learn JavaScript. Because without JavaScript a website is like a car without engine. With JavaScript we define that how a HTML element will work when a user interact with HTML element.

In a website we use JavaScript to add additional functionalities so we cannot imagine a website without JavaScript. And with JavaScript we can create a dynamic website. So, if you are going to become a Frontend Developer in 2024 then JavaScript is must for you.

Build Projects

As always projects are important for learning so build some small, medium and large level projects using JavaScript. Because projects help you to implement your learnings.

With the help of JavaScript you can build some simple projects like Notes Taking Website, College Library, News Web App using API, and more.


Learn Bootstrap/Tailwind CSS

After learning HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Building Projects it’s time to learn a CSS framework. So for CSS framework you can learn Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS or Both it depends on you.

But as a beginner will recommend you to learn Bootstrap because bootstrap is used by many companies at production level. So learn Bootstrap or Tailwind CSS as CSS framework and build at learn two or three projects.

Learn ReactJS

After learning CSS framework you can learn ReactJS a JavaScript library. Because ReactJS is popular and mostly used in companies. So learn ReactJS and build some projects.

Learn NextJS

After completing previous steps you can learn NextJS a JavaScript framework. And it is most popular React framework for the Web also used by some of the world’s largest companies. And Next.js allow you to create full-stack Web applications.


Learn Git/Github

As a frontend developer Git and Github are important for you to learn because Git is a distributed version control system that allow you to track the changes in your codebase over the time.

And Github is a platform that hosts Git repositories and provides tools for collaboration. 

Learn Figma

Learn Figma because these days companies are looking for developers who also have designing skills. And Figma also allows designers and developers to work together in real-time So, it make development easy. And Frontend Developers can save time and effort by directly importing design assets from Figma.

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