Importance of CSS Box model in Web-Design

The CSS box model is a core concept in web design that determines how elements on a webpage are structured and displayed. It defines the space an element occupies, from the content inside it to the surrounding space. This model helps web designers control the size, positioning, and spacing of elements on the page. The … Read more

Undersatnding Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises , Callbacks and Async/Await


Asynchronous JavaScript Asynchronous JavaScript is a programming approach that lets your code perform multiple tasks simultaneously without waiting for one task to finish before starting another. This is particularly helpful for handling operations that take time, such as fetching data from a server, accessing a database, or reading files. By preventing the main thread from … Read more

Explain HTML Input Tags Type

1. Button: type=”button” A clickable button that can be used to trigger a script or submit a form. It can also be used to reset a form or perform other actions. Example: <input type=”button” value=”Click me!” onclick=”alert(‘Button clicked’)”> 2. Image: type=”image” An image that acts as a submit button. When clicked, it submits the form. … Read more

Top 10 JavaScript String Methods

Top 10 JavaScript String Methods

1. length; In JavaScript string, the length method is used to return the number of characters in the string. Example: const name = “Anmol”; console.log(name.length); Output: 5 Explanation: The length property returns the number of characters in the string, including spaces and punctuation. This method is useful when you need to know the number of … Read more

Top Free API for Developers

Weather APIs 1. Open Weather Map API The Open Weather Map API is a popular and widely used API for fetching real-time weather data, making it a great choice for frontend developers who need to display weather information in their apps. The API provides both current weather data and weather forecasts, as well as detailed … Read more

Top 6 JavaScript Array Methods with Examples

Hi learners, welcome to DesignWithRehana. In this article I am going to share Top 6 JavaScript Array Methods with examples and PDF. I hope these JavaScript array methods cheat-sheet will be helpful for you. 1. forEach() This method is used to call a function for each array element. However, this method will not be executed on … Read more